Wednesday, January 14, 2015

31DC2014 Day 4: And it was allll greeen-o

Ok, Day 4 of the 31DC2014 and we're at green!  I'm green um da ba dee da ba green ohhh yeahhh I'm hip, I'm with it, you better believe it.  Green isn't my favourite colour but I had enough green circle glitter to whack on so that's a thing.  Even though it took me a while to find a green polish cos I have a million blues in the way... Onwards!

I didn't have much of a plan in mind for this one.  It was more a case of coming across Zoya Giovanna, counting it as green enough, staring at my glitter, seeing I have enough green circle glitter then going to town.  Once I'd done two coats of Giovanna I covered my nail in top coat then randomly applied my largest glitter.  I then filled in the spaces with the next size down, until there was no more room, then did the same with the smallest glitter.  Ta tah!  Sparklies!

The Verdict:  This is surprisingly pleasing given how indifferent I usually am to green.  It probably helps it's sparkly....

Glitter is available from The Sparkly Shop in pots from $3.99 per mix!

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