Wednesday, January 14, 2015


The challenge isn't going super well for me.  I could do it, but it's bringing up this whole complex mess of procrastination, pressure and something undefinable that makes me just want to avoid doing it.  I feel like I'm rebelling when I don't do a day.  Screw you Past Laura, you can't tell me what to do!  Add the pressure of choosing something for "Glitter", well, that's clearly not going to be done on time.  It's late, but look, rainbows!  

Usual deal here.  I wanted a deep purple for the base because it's the colour missing in my latest rainbow glitter set.  I initially tried a diagonal rainbow gradient but it looked weird just having one colour per line.  I think i'll try it again but with two each.  You'll see when I do it.  Anyway, I started with two coats of the lovely deep purple creme OPI A Grape Affair and then did my usual line of glitter.  I'm quite proud of the ordered rainbow in the middle of my last three fingers.  It's sparkly and kept me entertained while I waited for my new iPhone 6+.  Reservation is the way to go, was in and out in under two hours!

The Verdict:  Rainbow, shiny and sparkly, all going to be awesome always.  One day I'll get the inclination to do a really complex set, with tiny glitter.  It's really hard to find that much contiguous time. Rainbows!

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