Alrighty! It's been a little while since I've done a full set of mermaid nails and a trip to the One of a Kind show in Toronto this weekend is the perfect time to do them cos showing off and good lighting. The girls from Beyond the Nail had a stand and I had to go say hi. I love doing these mermaid nails, they're so sparkly despite the scratchiness. It makes me happy when I get can get all the little pieces around the edges to fit and it's all neat and nice and :D

These nails are done with my usual process. In this case I did two coats of Essie Under the Twilight as my base colour, then I added my thick coat of cheap top coat and got to work with my big glitter. I've found that I can cover my whole nail in the top coat and be done with the full size pieces of glitter before it dries completely. For the first pass, I let the pieces hang over the edge of my nail and leave gaps around the cuticle to be filled in later. Once done, I eyeball the size of the gaps and use my sharp embroidery scissors to trim my pieces to fit. I then stick them on with more top coat. Add two-three coats of Seche Vite and BAM done. Really don't take that long, maybe an hour for the one hand.
The Verdict: I love how the five different colours of glitter together look like abstract ocean waves. And mermaids. That are in the ocean. And it's sparkly. These are things that are satisfactory to me. Sparkly!
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