Thursday, January 15, 2015

Crazy Matte Circle Mani! Chaos and Control Make a Nice Juxtaposition

I love glitter so much it's just not even funny at this point.  My challenge now is filling out the gaps in my collection - getting glitter that's the same size in as many different colours as possible so I can do, well, stuff like this mani!  I ordered a TON of new glitter from Borough Babe Supply on Etsy and the clear standout was a crazy mix of small circle matte glitter called Lichtenstein.  It my not be sparkly but it certainly is colourful!  Let's take a closer look, shall we?

I really like mixing up my patterns on my thumb and ring finger for accent nails.  I thought having order and chaos juxtaposed might be nice so that is what I did!  You can't really tell, but I started off here with a gorgeous purple creme base, China Glaze Queen B.  Two coats were enough.  I then went to town with my usual technique, a stroke of clear polish down the centre of my nail, placing a straight column of glitter with my orange stick, then building out each side.  If a full piece didn't fit near my cuticle, I used the sharp scissors on my Swiss Army knife to cut a piece in half, then stuck it on as usual. The edge pieces I trimmed after they'd been applied.  A coat or two of Seche Vite and I'm done!

The Verdict:  I think this just might be my favourite non-sparkly mani. Like, ever.  It's just so colourful! This glitter is such high quality too.  The colours are really strong and bright, and the pieces are holding up really well.  Hooray for variety!

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