Thursday, January 15, 2015

My 500th Post: Red-to-Purple Mermaid Nails!

Oh hi!  I'm back!  I was in Barbados for a week so that explains that temporary slackening in post rate.  More importantly, this post happens to be the 500th post I've completed on this blog.  That's over two years of glitter, taping, marbling, experimenting, successes, failures, inundations of support, picking glitter out of the the cat, my bf's beard, the carpet at work, and even off clothes after being away for a week.  It's hard to figure out what to say, really.  Thank you, mostly, for keeping reading.  I've never kept a hobby going for even a fraction this long before so yay!  I wish I had something that was executed better to show you but I have what I have.  It's almost more fitting that I don't have a big show and dance for this milestone.  I've never been good at keeping a schedule. 

Before I went to Barbados, I got about halfway through a red to purple glitter placement.  It was fine but I kept getting distracted and it never got finished.  Now I have some time,  I had to finish it.  It's appropriately Valentine's Day-y too.  I went with my usual method of two coats of a base colour - in this case Bourjois Paris Purple Fiction - then went to town with my glitter, orange stick and cheap top coat.  I stuck to the usual line of glitter down the middle, then filled out each side.   The problem here is that I'm nearly totally out of Seche Vite and so my top coat is thick and lumpy.  Which makes me sad.  But it's honest.  I'll show you it anyway. 

The Verdict:  The 500th post snuck up on me.  I knew it was coming but I didn't quite realise it was going to be today.  It's a blessing though because now I don't have to worry about what to do for it!  It's done!  And sparkly.  That's important.

So.  Thanks again.  Love you :D:D:D

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