Thursday, January 15, 2015

My. Entire. Collection. Update 3!

I made this post a month ago, showcasing my entire polish collection.  Turns out, time flies and those photos were nearly six months old.  In that six months I managed to buy 50% more polishes.... that is a bit of a problem.  At least it's a rainbow problem this time!

With the help of my ever helpful friend Erica, we managed over the course of a couple hours to extricate all my polishes and refine them into this glorious, excessive rainbow I now have to present to you.  Turns out the hard part was turning this rainbow back into drawers ordered by brand - that took FOREVER - but for the week it was here, it was amazing.  For scale, this table is seven feet long....

The Verdict: Oh nail polish, how I do love you.  I don't care that this is ten times what a "normal" person would consider a big collection.  Worth it cos sparklies and rainbows and this makes me happy.  Surprising though is that all this fits in three Helmers from Ikea.  Just.  Yay sparklies!

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