Thursday, January 15, 2015

Proper Red, Black and Silver Mermaid Scale Nails!

So I got some incredible circle glitter in the mail the other day from an eBay store.  White pearl, black matte and three different colours of "dazzle" glitter - what more could a glitter-crack-addict want?  This of course means I had to try an experiment: mermaid scale nails.  I've tried this mani before but getting the glitter to sit flat and stay has always been an issue.  This glitter is too gorgeous not to try though.  Let's take a look at my proper rainbow fish nails, shall we?

I had absolutely no idea how this was going to turn out so I started with a glitter that would blend well with my red dazzle glitter, Essie Toggle to the Top, a red glitter jelly.  Super sparkly and nice.  Starting at the cuticle, I placed a row of glitter, making sure to press each piece into the freshly-applied top coat.  I then placed another row, making sure to have each piece slightly overlap the one beneath it.  I found that after two rows, it was time for more top coat, so I repeat the process until I got to the end of my nail.  I then covered each nail in two coats of Seche Vite, to get it all sealed in as much as possible. 

The Verdict:  This is not a mani designed for longevity.  I did this in the late afternoon and only managed to not start picking it off until about 11pm.  I'm not really a fan of super textured nails.  However, it held up fine.  As long as you wait for it all to set for a while before you go ripping off clothes or putting shoes on, it stayed on fine.  And it's sparkly!  Oh so very, very sparkly.  And it looks like scales!  For realsies!  So experiment successful? Yeah....

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