Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rainbow Holo Mermaid Nails!

Urgh, I hate being busy at work.  And needing to sleep.  Together they don't leave a ton of time to be sparkly.  This took me three nights to do.  Three!  The last day I walked around with just my middle finger not done as I had to sleep.  That doesn't matter now as I have reached maximum sparkliage on my right hand and that's allllll that matters.  Let's take a look, shall we?

I've done a lot of this type of glittering before but never quite this holo and rainbowy.  What you can't see too well in these pictures is that every single piece of glitter on my nails is holo.  This pleases me.  I used my usual technique: after applying three coats of Revlon Espresso polish, I worked in columns from the middle of my nail outwards, using my glitter, my slow drying top coat and my orange stick, all topped off with a liberal dousing of Seche Vite.  No more words, picture time!


The Verdict:  Of course I love this.  It has everything I could ever want: sparkly, sparklies, rainbows and glitter.  Works for me.  And the time is always worth it!

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