Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ruby Slipper Nails!

I wonder sometimes what you think when I write a more critical review of my nails.  I hope it's not that I'm fishing for compliments - I swear that's not me.  I just like to be honest about how something turned out sometimes.  Like this ruby slippers mani:  looks a bit like fruit in jello, doesn't it?  And for some reason that just skeeves me a bit.  It's still pretty though!  I guess!  Let's take a look, shall we?

 I felt like using my big red glitter for this mani and I wanted to match my base colour as close as I could, for max sparklies.  The best match I could find was A-England Perceval, one of my favourite reds for the brilliant colour and excellent formula.  All A-Englands are one-coaters.  Anyway, after applying three coats because I like to have a deep polish bed for my big glitter I went to work.  I'm currently using Sally Hansen Invisible to apply my glitter but you can really get away with any cheap top coat, as long is it isn't a quick dry.  I started off with my usual line of glitter down the centre of my nail, cuticle first, then working my way outwards.  I like to trim the pieces of glitter to fit around my cuticles and I do so using a sharp pair of sewing scissors.  It really isn't that hard with the bigger pieces like this.  Top it off with two coats of Seche Vite and you're done.

The Verdict: As I said about, something about the finish here is just a bit weird and it ruins it for me.  You should have seen it before I added the top coat.  That's not practical to wear so I don't believe in showing you something that's just going to disintegrate after five minutes.  It is sparkly though....

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