Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rainbow vs. Monochrome Matte Circle Glitter Nails!

Awww yiss, check it, two days in a row!  With complicated glitter each time, no less!  I am a blogging master!  Ok so if there's one thing I like almost as much as sparklies, it's matte circle glitter.  No idea why - maybe something about the extremely consistent size and shape.  I heart it and it's surprisingly hard not to use all the time.  I felt like using it yesterday so let's take a look at my rainbow monochrome matte circle glitter chevrons, shall we?

For some reason I felt like this needed a hot pink background so I started off with two coats of Urban Outfitters Hottub.  You want a medium thickness base for round glitter: enough to let it sink in a bit but not enough to squidge up between the circles.  Bet you would never have guessed that I started with a centre column of glitter, right?? Anyway, make it nice and straight and you'll have no problems fitting any of your pieces in.  For some reason I kept losing my end pieces so be careful to trim them so they're a tiny bit away from the edge.  You'll want to do at least two coats of Seche Vite too. 

The Verdict:  Someone "accused" me of having a fetish for rainbows on Instagram the other day and they're totes right.  No idea why.  There's just something very pleasing about having colours be so organised.   I think that's why I like this glitter too.  Very need and looks orderly.  I <3 matte circle glitter!  Even though you don't sparkly!

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