Thursday, January 15, 2015

Review: Deborah Lippmann Va Va Voom, LOOK AT THE SPARKLY

I'm trying really hard lately to not buy nail polish.  Or at least buy less.  It's hard because nail polish is my fun thing to buy, my luxury, even though I have ten times what the average person would consider an excessive collection.  A lady at the beauty supply place joked about an intervention today!  Like, shhhhhhhh this is my safe place.  Anyway, I saw Deborah Lippmann Va Va Voom the other day and it was too sparkly and I bought it so there's that.  LOOK AT IT.

I don't know what it is about the glitter jellies, I just can't resist them.  I love how they build to have this incredibly complex, deep finish.  Va Va Voom is no exception.  It's several different sizes of hex holo glitter in a deep blue jelly base.  Here I layered it over one coat of a similar blue creme polish but I don't think you need to do it, it builds up to be opaque enough on its own.  I applied three coats here because I wanted more glitter but you could get away with one or two.  THIS POLISH IS AWESOME AND I WANT MORE LIKE IT PLEASE.

The Verdict:  This polish was totally worth breaking my I-shouldn't-buy-polish thing for.  I can't resist glitter and this is sparkly and that is good, the end.

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