Thursday, January 15, 2015

St Patrick's Day Mermaid Nails, Take 2!

Exactly two years ago today, I published this post, a mermaid version of St Patrick's Day nails.  Considering I'd been blogging for all of a couple of months at this point, I was proud of them at the time.  Two years have now passed and I know better than to use iridescent glitter, like, ever, and my placement has benefitted from the practice.  So that was a fine version but I CAN DO BETTER NOW.  So I am, even though I don't really like doing the themed holiday nails.  HERE IS A BETTER VERSION OF THOSE NAILS, LOOK, SPARKLY:

I have this fabulous matte green clover glitter and this has to be the best of the all the times to use it.  To start, I applied two coats of RGB Polish Sea, an amazingly beautiful blackened emerald, not that you can see it, plus two coats of China Glaze Champagne Bubbles for accents.  I then placed my clover glitter into wet top coat and applied my green holo glitter around it.  Same for the accent nails, just with alternating holo and matte gold glitter.  I totally love how this came out, even if I'm not Irish.

The Verdict: I don't really like having to do the holiday nails but this is a particularly sparkly holiday so I can make the exception.  If only to make use of my clover glitter, finally! 

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