Wednesday, January 14, 2015

31DC2014: Day 1 - Red Nails!

Oh hi!  I hope you're ready for this: I'm doing the 31 Day Nail Art Challenge!  The wonderful Sarah at Chalkboard Nails totes talked me into joining in and of course I have to.  I'm hoping it'll get me going more into blogging and not just being lazy and posting to instagram.  Day 1 is red, so of course it's a case of redding all the reds!  Onward!

Since I was to spend the Labor Day long weekend at my friend's cottage, I went with Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Red Eye as a base for all the red glitter I could ferret out of my collection.  It didn't actually wear as well as I hoped but I did spend most of the weekend in a lake so I get I can let it off.  Anyway, after applying three coats I got to work with my usual cheap top coat and all the red glitter.  I started with the largest pieces and filled in my nails, working down in size.  Forgive the photos, red is impossible.  I topped it off with the Miracle Gel top coat, which is even better than Seche Vite for glitter.  It may not dry as fast but it has a much better finish. 

The Verdict:  I love how these came out, despite the photo issues.  They were so sparkly in the sun all day and sparklies = happy Laura.  This is day 1 complete, see you tomorrow for Day 2: Orange :D

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