Wednesday, January 14, 2015

31DC2014 Day 11: Dots! With fake nails! Cos!

This challenge is haaaaaaaaard.  Like, omg.  Especially when you're sick.  Cos days don't wait.  They just keep going and then you're behind and urgggh.  So apparently the solution to being sick and being behind is to stick on acrylic tips from a set you borrowed from your friend, remember you really be doing dots, make dots that kinda look weird like octopus sucker thingies and then post it anyway woo.

I'm actually pretty happy with how these tips turned out.  The join was sufficiently covered by polish and I can pretend I can actually grow nails this long.  You know I did massive pointy claws first but they were kinda scary pointy.  This is better.  Anyway, I applied three coats of Orly Bubbly Bombshell then went to town with my circle glitter.  I layered the glitter and the top coat - top coat, glitter, top coat, glitter, etc - to get these.  If you want to wear these I'd wait a decent amount of time between coats but eh.  Sparkly?  It certainly is pink.


The Verdict:  I did get fake nails once before at a salon but that was a mistake as she ended up filing massive gouges in my nails.  These are actually not that bad.  They're off now cos of course they melted under the acetone but yeah.  Urgh, nap time for me. 

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