Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Do you understand the pressure for someone like me to have a challenge prompt like "rainbow"?? It's a lot of pressure.  I love rainbows and do rainbows a lot so having to do rainbow on command is hard.  So I have these triangle studs I haven't used yet.  Two problems, why not make a solution?  TRIANGLE RAINBOW STUD NEON THINGS YES.

A really strong blue is missing from the triangle stud colours so Sally Hansen Pacific Blue was an obvious complement.  Two coats of that and then top coat then put the studs on.  Press them down a bit so they stay on.  I was going to cover all my nail in them but then the gaps were good and then blacklight and neon and win.  Pics go!

The Verdict: NEON.  TRIANGLE.  RAINBOWS.  BLACKLIGHT.  PLEASING.  If you want the studs are here cos money.

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