Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fire Glitter Nails with Sally Hansen Play Koi!

Fire nails! I felt like doing 'em, so here we are!  I did at least try something different with the base - this is Play Koi, one of the new Triple Shine polishes.  I mean, we all need another shaped Sally Hansen polish bottle like we need holes in the head but eh, it's an excuse to buy polish.  Cos, you know, I don't have any other them!  Let's take a look, shall we?

To start these nails, I applied three coats of Play Koi.  I have to say, it is as advertised and is pretty shiny.  Nice, strong orange-red.  Works for me!  Once done, I painted on my stripe of clear top coat and laid down my first column of glitter.  When you're working with a range of colours, you can only really just eye-ball how to space them and how many to do of each colour.  This is why we use the cheap top coats - if you don't space right, you can nudge them around until they're in the right spots.  It's worth spending the time up front because this spacing will set the rest of your nail for you.  One of these days I'll figure out how to physically set up my camera so my nails are lit, in focus and I can see what I'm doing.  Harder than you'd think!  Sparklies!

The Verdict: There's something a tiny bit off here but it's sparkly so that's ok.  Play Koi is a decent base colour.  I'm now wondering what it would look like if I just did red glitter over this polish - I love matching polish and glitter so that it comes to life in the light.  Hmmmmmmm might be my job for tonight though I am already wearing red glitter placement....sleepy, come on brain, just keep typing a few more words then the tags and we can post this yessssss.

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