Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dinosaur Nails over Ninja Polish 100% Colombian!

Laura is a happy Laura cos Laura has shiny dinosaur nails!  Woo!  I have fought long and hard with these metal whatevers and I finally defeated them.  Which means I get dinosaur nails!  They're even better when they're paired with a sparkly multichrome polish, even if it is brown.  Rawr, I'm a Laurasaurus :D 

There's quite a process to get these nails because these metal decals are thin and surprisingly sharp.  I will warn you now that unless they are fully covered in at least two coats of top coat, you are at risk of scratching yourself.  So, I wanted quite a thick base for these dinos so I could press them down as I applied them.  I started with one coat of OPI Here Today, Aragon Tomorrow and then applied two coats of the stunning Ninja Polish 100% Colombian.  I have no idea if this polish is still available but if you can get a hold of it somehow, damn, the red-orange-green shift in the brown base is amazing.  So shiny.  I then went with the usual top coat application but I took the step of curving each of the decals before applying them.  I found the best way was to lay it face down on my finger then roll and orange stick over it until the curve matched my nail.  I placed my columns and finished off with two thick coats of Seche Vite.  More is better here, trust me.

The Verdict:  I LOVE how these came out.  I have quite a few different styles of these metal decals and haven't been able to get them to sit flat enough until now.  Curving them made such a difference.  I maaaay be officially obsessed with these now :D

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